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A business leader engages his staff and makes them feel valued

How an Ed.D. Prepares You to Lead in Talent Development

Learn more about the importance of excellent training and development, discover how strong leaders can be positive change agents in talent development and consider how a doctorate of education (Ed.D.) can equip professionals to lead in hiring and retaining top talent.

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a business leader considering earning a doctor of leadership degree and looking to the future

4 Ways an Organizational Leadership Doctorate Can Support Your Career Progression

An organizational leadership degree can equip professionals with the skills they need to lead effectively in any organization. Such a program is designed to prepare visionary, innovative leaders who spark change and inspire success in a rapidly changing world.

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Data Discovery Process

The Data Discovery Process Explained

Data discovery is a repetitive process designed to help answer real business questions. This process can be broken down into five important steps essential to making smarter business decisions.

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Become a BI Analyst in 2024

Why You Should Consider Becoming a BI Analyst in 2024

Consider what a career as a business analyst may look like and some of the primary reasons to think about becoming a BI analyst in 2024.

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A workplace leader giving strategic direction to one of her colleagues

5 Ways to Improve Leadership Skills in the Workplace

In a rapidly evolving marketplace and increasingly polarized society, organizations are looking for the types of leaders who regularly seek to improve their leadership skills for the sake of their employees and those their organization serves.

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A man on his laptop utilizing real time business intelligence to support supply chain

Tapping The Potential of Real-Time Business Intelligence

When the information generated by organizational data sources is instantly transformed into operational intelligence, companies can gain visibility into customer needs, opportunities to improve processes, and much more.

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