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A merger handshake

The 5 Types of Business Integration Explained

Business leaders eager to see their organizations grow will likely engage in integration in order to reduce costs, grow revenue, or increase market share. By understanding the five types of integration, such professionals can prepare to lead successful change for their companies. Read more
A DBA graduate explaining her business intelligence strategy to her colleagues

Learn How to Develop a Business Intelligence Strategy with a DBA

A business intelligence strategy is essential to capturing, analyzing and converting data into valuable insights. Experienced leaders can better use data to achieve business goals with the skills learned in a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program.

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A group of educational leaders posing for the camera

Current Issues in Education: 5 Challenges Facing Educational Leaders

Explore current issues in education, and learn how educational leaders can develop strategies to overcome the negative impacts of these emerging challenges.

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A nursing student studying for the NCLEX

What You Need to Know about the Next Gen NCLEX-RN

The Next Gen NCLEX, which is also called the NGN, refers to an updated, “enhanced” version of the NCLEX. There are new question types and a new scoring system in this new NCLEX format.

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A graphic image with a brain inside crosshairs representing business intelligence

Customer Intelligence Examples: How to Gain Better Customer Insights

By setting the parameters for data collecting and analysis according to a specific question or challenge, brands can increase their chances of gaining customer intelligence and actionable insights that address their specific situations.

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A nurse providing educational material to their patient

Promoting Health Education as a Nurse

This blog aims to celebrate nurses by exploring the diverse ways nurses lead health promotion and disease prevention through their expertise in health education. Nursing is an exciting profession with a positive job outlook and tremendous value.

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