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Is an Ed.D. Degree Worth It?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), about three million students were enrolled in graduate programs in 2018. NCES projects that number will increase by three percent over the next decade.

Graduate degrees chart a compelling career trajectory for students. Pew Research Center states two-thirds of postgraduate degree holders believe their education was key in opening professional doors.

But for working professionals, putting a job on hold to launch into full-time graduate school, especially beyond a master’s degree, may not be practicable. Enter the burgeoning arena of part-time online graduate school choices, including programs for the Ed.D. Of those three million graduate students enrolled in 2018, over 1.3 million were part-time—advancing their education while pursuing a profession or other priorities.  

When surveying the landscape of graduate programs, educational professionals may question, is an Ed.D. worth it? For working professionals who wish to grow in influence and confidence, an Ed.D. has distinct benefits.


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What Is an Ed.D. Degree?

An EdD is an advanced degree in education that focuses on solving a problem of practice. Ed.D. graduates frequently use their advanced degrees to foster their leadership skills and positions in various fields. An Ed.D. program is characteristically geared toward supporting students to evaluate and solve practical problems typically within an organization, business, or educational facility.

Ed.D. candidates have the option to go on to do scholarly work or teach in academia, but they are also able to apply the skill set learned in Ed.D. programs and pursue an oversight role in an educational setting, such as school leader. They could just as likely go into a private or non-profit organization, the government, or join a consulting firm.

Graduates can be assured that they will be better prepared to lead and effect change with an Ed.D.. Many Ed.D. students are working professionals preparing for or in influential positions. According to the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED), an Ed.D. prepares students to “meet the . . . challenges of the 21st century.” 


How Can an Ed.D. Better Position You for Leadership?

A key question in considering if an Ed.D. is worth it is how it can help you with your career goals. Many professionals may wonder what it can provide to strengthen, enhance, and develop current skill sets. An Ed.D. degree can equip you to:

  • Execute best practices based on current research
  • Move beyond academia into civil service or the private sector
  • Chart real-world change within your sphere of work


What Is the Difference Between an Ed.D. and Ph.D.?

An Ed.D. and Ph.D. are both terminal degrees in education, but with divergent concentrations. Their similarities may leave some students asking why is an Ed.D. worth it? And which degree has more of a real-world approach?

An Ed.D. is the more hands-on program of the two, shaping direct leadership opportunities. Due to its practical emphasis, an Ed.D. is applicable outside of the academic realm. A Ph.D. in education, by comparison, is keenly focused on scholarly, research-based studies, often drilled down to a single theory or subject matter.


What Are the Different Academic Paths to Achieve Each Degree?

Pursuing a Ph.D. may mean applying for highly competitive scholarships or taking a leave of absence in order to receive a stipend. An Ed.D. enables students to work full-time during their course load, making it more practical for professionals.

A Ph.D. may require more of a time investment than an Ed.D. Many Ed.D. students have already earned their master’s degree before considering the program. Graduates frequently complete their Ed.D. in two to three years, while a Ph.D. may take four to six years.

Once a student has achieved their master’s degree, most Ed.D. programs require 60 course credits. Many programs do not require a dissertation.


Ed.D. vs. Ph.D. – Which Concentration Is More Beneficial?

Is an Ed.D. worth it vs a Ph.D.? Neither degree is better—each provides multiple benefits and opens doors for its graduates. However, one degree is more likely to be more suitable for any given student, based on career path and ambition.

An Ed.D. program will “focus specifically on preparing students to assume formal leadership positions.” In considering, is an Ed.D. worth it vs a Ph.D., a few questions are worth exploring.

  1. Do you desire to effect positive changes within your organization?
  2. Are you wanting to pursue a flexible and affordable degree while continuing to work full-time?
  3. Do you want to be better trained to take on more responsibility in your field?


What Are the Specific Areas of Study?

Is an Ed.D. worth it considering the spectrum of knowledge you gain?

Many Ed.D. programs include research and exploring positive change in learning environments. They do so with the end goal of applying these skills in a practical setting. Ed.D. programs are likely to focus on applying educational theory and research to problem-solving.

Students may explore such subjects as:

  • integrating educational theory into organizational innovation
  • ethical leadership
  • effectively leading for social justice outcomes
  • the best approaches to applied research
  • leading an organization in complex times
  • transformative leadership
  • strategic leadership
  • systems thinking
  • coaching and mentoring  
  • change management
  • developing leadership in others
  • technological proficiency within an organization

The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) noted that Ed.D. graduates are not focused on investigation and dissertations. “An Ed.D. is for the practitioner—the person who is looking to be the leader in their organization. They are . . . addressing actual problems of practice that are impacting their work.”


What Are the Advantages of an Ed.D.?

An Ed.D. vs. a Ph.D. holds significant weight for those seeking to effect tangible change. Here are the advantages:

  • You are better positioned to continue in your current profession while taking classes.
  • If you’re in a management role overseeing people and projects, you can directly and immediately apply problem-solving strategies learned in your courses.
  • You can network with other professionals while you learn. Because an Ed.D. degree program typically attracts students who are full-time professionals, you’ll likely interact with and learn from a cohort of skilled and diverse professionals.


The Impact of an Ed.D. on Servant and Ethical Leadership

The concepts of servant and ethical leadership have grown in popularity in recent years and many universities, particularly those with strong values and mission statements, are incorporating this into their curricula. While many degree programs may work to find inroads to integrate these concepts, few degrees naturally afford the deep dive that an Ed.D. does. 

Industry experts note “experience suggests that ethical leadership leads to greater employee satisfaction and lower turnover rates.” Servant leadership is not only laudable; it makes good organizational and business sense.

Here are some things to consider when it comes to servant and ethical leadership:


Honing Your Vision

What is your vision for leadership? By articulating the reasons why you want to pursue an advanced degree, you can analyze your intent and consider how an Ed.D. will advance your career.


Increasing Your Impact

Ed.D. students naturally desire to make a greater impact within an organization. Candidates should consider what kind of impact they’d like to make, where they’d like to make it, and how they’re going to do it. 

An Ed.D. not only helps students focus on their reason why, but it also gives them the tools and knowledge to make the impact they desire. Moreover, Ed.D. students who adopt ethical leadership principles can have a positive and lasting impact when leading large groups within an organization.

Forbes notes just a few organizational benefits of ethical leadership. These include securing long-term shareholder loyalty, creating a reputation of people over profits, and actively changing negative behavior within the workforce. 


Implementing Change

Is an Ed.D. worth it when you consider the potential for organizational or policy change? In empowering a leader to think strategically, an Ed.D. qualifies a leader to craft and implement change. Ed.D. graduates can create better work and educational environments for others, identify and train other leaders, and solve problems within an organization or business.

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Where to Take Your Next Step Toward a Doctorate in Education

Be part of a university with a strong mission, vision and values. Rooted in the Catholic tradition, Marymount University ranks among the best regional universities in the South, according to U.S. News and World Report. Marymount’s Ed.D. program is aligned with best practices from educational leaders in the Washington, D.C. area and around the globe.

You can complete your Marymount Ed.D. degree in less than three years. It is 100% online and designed for maximum impact for active professionals. 

Find out how you can get to the next level in your career with an Ed.D. online from Marymount University.


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Why Our Students Value Their Marymount Ed.D. Program Education

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