Dr. Shannon Melideo
Dr. Shannon Melideo has dedicated her entire career to the education profession. Dr. Melideo is a professor of practice in the School of Education in the College of Health and Education at Marymount University in Virginia, USA. She currently serves as a teaching faculty member and a Lead Doctoral Faculty Mentor for students in the EdD program. Throughout her career, she has presented and collaborated extensively on schoolwide, districtwide, campuswide, statewide, national, and international committees, research projects, and task forces. She taught grades 1, 3, 4, 5, ESOL grades K-5, music grades K-8, and 7th-12th grade biology in high needs schools. She has served as a mentor teacher, cooperating teacher, elementary administrator, and district coordinator of ESOL. On the university level, she has served as university department chairperson, supervisor, and associate dean. She recently returned to the elementary classroom as a lead teacher, and was nominated as teacher of the year thrice at her school. Outside of the world of education, Dr. Melideo enjoys traveling, reading, and dancing.