Dr. Ruth Boyd
The first 13 years of her experience were in elementary school, but she has logged 30+ years in elementary and higher ed classrooms. After transitioning to higher education, she expanded her practice to teacher preparation, specifically in the fields of early childhood education, elementary education, and literacy instruction. Dr. Boyd has enjoyed serving as university supervisor for teacher candidates, at both the undergraduate and graduate level, and developing graduate program options in Reading Specialist and Instructional Coaching.
As Vice President for Student Affairs, she served as the Senior Student Affairs Officer overseeing and managing institutional effectiveness through strategic planning, recruitment, admissions, registration, and retention initiatives. Dr. Boyd held direct supervisory responsibility over the Dean of Students, Student Activities, Title IX Officer, Enrollment Management, Career Services, International Student Affairs, Registrar’s Office, Student Counseling Services and Employee Assistance Services, Student Health Services, Upward Bound, Wellness Center and Intramural Activities, Public Safety, and the Student Government Association.