Holistic Care in Nursing
Holistic care in nursing could increase the adoption of preventative health, improve lifestyle choices among patients, reduce the burden of chronic illnesses on the United States health care system and create a brighter future for Americans.
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MSN vs. DNP: What Are the Differences?
Skilled nurses are in high demand across the country. Learn the difference between an MSN vs. DNP and how an advanced education can help you reach your goals.
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Is an Ed.D. Degree Worth It?
Explore how an Ed.D. degree differs from a Ph.D., and learn how the benefits of earning this terminal degree can help prepare you for a wide range of careers.
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Infographic: The History of Nursing
From Florence Nightingale to Mary Mahoney, the history of nursing has been shaped by many key figures stretching back 170 years. See our infographic for a timeline of significant historical nursing events.
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PhD vs. Ed.D. - What’s the Difference?
Discover the differences between a PhD vs Ed.D, and learn how each terminal degree can prepare individuals for different types of advanced career pathways.
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